W. Douglas Baker

A photo of W. Douglas Baker

Interim AVP Programs & Initiatives

Provost's Office

101C Boone Hall


[email protected]


  • Ph.D., University of California, Santa Barbara

Interests and Expertise

I teach courses on literacy and instructional methods for secondary school teachers and research methods for writing researchers. Currently, I am Interim Assistant VP for Programs & Initiatives.


  • Introduction to English studies
  • Issues of teaching writing
  • Literacy and written instruction
  • Research in theory and practice in writing
  • Topics in assessing writing
  • Teaching English in the Secondary Schools
  • Writing for Secondary Teachers

Publications and Presentations

Bloome, D., Powers-Carter, S., Baker, W.D., Castanheira, M.L., Kim, M., and Rowe, L. (2022). Discourse analysis of languaging and literacy in educational settings: A microethnographic perspective. Routledge.

Green, J. L., and Baker, W.D. (Eds.). (2017). Interdisciplinary and intercultural programmes in higher education: Exploring challenges in designing and teaching. London: Routledge.

Book Chapters/Articles
Baker, W.D., Machtmes, K., and Green, J.L. (2023). Making transparent an IE logic-of-inquiry and analyses: On ethnographer-as-learner and theory building. A. Skukauskaite & J. Green, Interactional Ethnography: Designing and conducting discourse-based ethnographic research. Routledge.

Green, J.L., Baker, W.D., Chian, M., et al. (2020). Studying the over time construction of knowledge in educational settings: A microethnographic-discourse analysis approach. Review of Research in Education v. 44: 161-194. DOI: 10.3102/0091732X20903121. Washington DC: AERA.

Green, J.L., Brock, C., Baker, W.D., & Harris, P. (2020). Positioning theory as an analytic lens and explanatory theory. In N.S. Nasir, C.D. Lee, R. Pea, & M.M. de Royston (Eds.) Handbook on cultural foundations of learning (pp. 119-140). NY: Routledge. https://doi.org/10.3102/0091732X20903121.

Baker, W.D. (2020). Transforming classroom discourse as a resource for learning: Adapting interactional ethnography for teaching and learning. In E. Manalo (Ed.) Deeper learning, dialogic learning, and critical thinking: Research-based strategies for the classroom (pp. 105-119). NY: Routledge.

Baker, W.D., and Däumer, E. (2015). Understanding understanding: Implications of interdisciplinary articulation for instruction and assessment. Language Arts Journal of Michigan, 31(1), 28-38.

Baker, W.D., and Green, J. (2015). Transdisciplinary dialogues through interactional ethnographic studies: A commentary on Skinner. Mind, Culture, and Activity: An International Journal, 22(4), 364-370. DOI: 10.1080/10749039.2015.1084327.

Dark, T. and Baker, W.D. (2015). Entering the Conversations, practices and challenges of multimodality texts. Teaching/Writing: The Journal of Writing Teacher Education v. 4(1), 65-93.

Baker, W.D., and Däumer, E. (2015). Designing interdisciplinary instruction: Exploring disciplinary and conceptual differences as a resource." Pedagogies: An International Journal v. 10(1), 38-53. DOI: 10.1080/1554480X.2014.999776.

Green, J. L., Skukauskaite, A., and Baker, W.D. (2012). Ethnography as epistemology: An introduction to educational ethnography. In J. Arthur, M. Waring, R. Coe, & L. V. Hedges (Eds.) Research Methodologies and Methods in Education (309-321). London: SAGE.