Laura J. George

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English Language and Literature

612E Pray-Harrold


[email protected]


  • Ph.D., English Literature, Ohio State University, 1993
  • MA, English Literature, Ohio State University, 1988
  • BA, Classical Greek, Bryn Mawr College, 1984

Interests and Expertise

Professor George writes about British romantic poetry with a particular focus on fashion and masculinity in the work of William Wordsworth and Lord Byron.


  • LITR 102 Introduction to the Reading of Poetry
  • LITR 300W Writing About Literature
  • LITR 316 Studies in British Romanticism
  • LITR 470 Studies in Poetry
  • LITR 480 Studies in Literature and Culture: past topics include Ghost Stories, Masculinities, Fashion
  • LITR 490 Senior Seminar
  • LITR 510 Critical Practices in Literary Studies
  • LITR 570 Studies in British Romanticism

Publications and Presentations

Recent Publications
  • “Judith Taverner as dandy-in-training.” Georgette Heyer, History, and Historical Fiction. Samantha J. Rayner and Kim Wilkins, eds. University College of London Press, 2021. 53-72.
  • "Fashion, Self-Fashioning, and the Body." Byron in Context. Clara Tuite, Ed. Cambridge University Press, 2019: 131-140.
  • "Austen's Muslin." Crossings in Text and Textiles, edited by Katherine Joslin and Daneen Wardrop. University of New Hampshire Press, 2015. 73–102.
  • "The Technique of Ordinary Poetry: Colridgean Notes toward a Genealogy of Technique," European Romantic Review 18.2 (2007 April): 195–203.
  • "Reification and the Dandy: Beppo, Byron, and Other Queer Things," Romanticism on the Net 36–37 (2004 November–2005 February).
Recent Presentations
  • “Judith Taverner and the Dandies.” The Nonesuch? Georgette Heyer and Her Historical Fiction Contemporaries. London, UK. University College London. June 18-19, 2018.
  • "Man in Black: Benjamin Robert Haydon's 'Wordsworth on Helvellyn.'" International Conference on Romanticism. Colorado College. Colorado Springs, CO. October 20–23, 2016.
  • "'Tongue-favored men': the Physicality of Eloquence in Book VII of William Wordsworth's The Prelude." International Conference on Romanticism. Brigham Young University. Park City, UT. October 15–17, 2015.
  • "'Passing well in these toys': Lord Byron's Sardanapalus and the Poetics of Queer Things." International Conference on Romanticism. University of St. Thomas. St. Paul, MN. September 25–28, 2014.
  • "Lord Byron and the Double-Binds of John Edleston's Gift." North American Society for the Study of Romanticism. Bethesda, MD. July 9–13, 2014.

Additional Information

Laura George on Facebook

@ljgeorgie on Twitter

georgiegirl1789 on Instagram