"Bridging Place, Writing Space: The Promise and Challenges of Course Wikis." Computers and Writing Conference 2007, Wayne State University, Detroit, MI.
"Moving to the Center while Keeping our Edge: Positioning Problems in the Writing Program." Poster, Association of Teachers of Technical Writing Conference 2007, New York, NY.
"A Community Management System? Online/F2F" Association of Teachers of Technical Writing Conference 2006, Chicago, IL.
"Usable, Yes. But is it Useful?: Taking a Hard Look at TC Program Websites." Presented in March, 2005 at the Association of Teachers of Technical Writing Conference, San Francisco, CA.
"TPC Program Snapshots: Developing Curricula and Addressing Challenges." (with Nancy Allen). Technical Communication Quarterly 13.2 (Spring 2004) 157–185.
"The Problem of Process Awareness and Assessment-Making." Conference on College Composition and Communication 2004. San Antonio, TX.