Winter Colloquium to Feature Guest Speaker Dr. Crystal VanKooten

The First-Year Writing Program is deeply excited to welcome Dr. Crystal VanKooten 9:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. Friday for the 2020 Winter Colloquium. VanKooten is an Associate Professor of Writing and Rhetoric at Oakland University in Rochester. VanKooten’s work focuses on digital media composition through an engagement with how technologies shape composition practices, pedagogy, and research.

The event will take place at Halle Library, and will include breakfast, a morning talk, lunch, and afternoon workshop. The event is free, open to the public, and no registration is required. 

2020 Winter Colloquium Schedule


When: 8:30 a.m. - 9:30 a.m. 

Where: Halle 301

Morning talk: "Supporting Transfer across Media through Multimodal Production" 

When: 10:30 a.m. - noon

Where: Halle Library G03

What: As writing instructors, transfer – the act of connecting learning from site to site – is often at the heart of our work with students. The transfer of writing knowledge, however, is complex, and we are still learning how it is influenced and how to best teach for it. In this talk, VanKooten uses digital composition as one pathway toward a better understanding of the transfer of writing knowledge. Through sharing data from an in-depth study of the digital video composing experiences of eighteen students, she suggests that video provides useful opportunities for transfer across media through multimodal production.


When: Noon–1 p.m.

Where: Halle 301

Afternoon pedagogy workshop: "Exploring Video Editing for First-Year Writing"

When: 1–2:30 p.m.

Where: Halle Library G07A 

What: In this workshop, we’ll work together to explore the affordances and limitations of several free and open source video editors for Mac and PC. We will also compose a short video. Please bring a laptop, headphones, and download DaVinci Resolve in advance if you would like to try using it. We will also experiment with other editors in addition to Resolve that do not require a download.