Internal Research Awards Workshops

The Faculty Research Fellowships are intended to encourage and support the research, creative, artistic, and scholarly endeavors of full-time tenured or tenure-track EMU faculty by providing financial support for faculty (in lieu of teaching) to help support their research. The Faculty Development Center strives to support EMU faculty in their applications for these opportunities by hosting workshops focusing on helping you write a strong proposal.  

Part I: General Orientation for Faculty Research Fellowships

When: Thursday, January 16, at 2 PM
Where: 109 Halle and Zoom

Facilitated by Natalie Dove (Departments of Psychology and Biology)

This session intended to inform attendees on the application process and strategies for writing a proposal. This session gave an opportunity to hear about how awards are judged, common pitfalls to avoid, and ways to make your application as appealing as possible to the audience that will be evaluating it. If you missed this session, you can access the Powerpoint here.

Part II: Workshops

Where: 109 Halle
When: Thursday, January 23, at 3:30 PM
  • Facilitated by Natalie Dove (Departments of Psychology and Biology)
When: Tuesday, January 28, at 3:30 PM
  • Facilitated by Alexis Braun Marks (University Library) and Tinker (EMU'S Certified Facility Dog)

Participants could bring completed applications and/or drafts to these sessions to receive feedback from your peers and workshop presenters, particularly from those outside of your field. 

Previous Workshops