Engaging in Inclusive Practices amid Challenging Times Learning Community

An individual stands at the front of multiple rows of desks. Six individuals sit behind the desks with computers and notebooks.

Aspects of inclusive teaching can improve the experiences in and outside the classroom for all students but particularly for those that are underrepresented. Many faculty indicate that they do not have enough time or tools to engage in these practices that can support student success in the classroom. 

The Engaging in Inclusive Practices amid Challenging Times Learning Community is bringing together a group of educators to explore topics on inclusive practices in order to create more positive learning environments for students so that they can persist in their majors and toward graduation. Participants in this learning community are working to learn about inclusive practices so that they can acquire knowledge and tools to take to their respective colleges and departments to continue this work. 

Previous Events

  • Advising Inclusively Panel Expand dropdown

    The Inclusive Teaching Learning Community on Friday, December 6th, from 10am-11am help a panel to learn about how to advise inclusively as an instructor. Advising is very connected to the practice of teaching. They discuss how to apply an equity lens in your advising, how to consider equity when advising students for their career goals, and how to consider student disabilities when providing advising. This panel featured experts in the area of advising, career advising, and disability services.

  • Leveraging Aspire's Inclusive Professional Framework to Develop Core Skills to Support Inclusion in the Classroom, Lab, and Beyond

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    In this workshop, hosted by the "Engaging in Inclusive Teaching Practices amid Challenges Times" learning community" participants learned about a holistic professional development framework and how it applies to your professional life. Participants also reflected on how identity/power/positionality inform your role as an instructor. Finally, participants were able to practice integrating identity into relationships particularly with students. Light refreshments will be served!

    This workshop took place on Friday, October 25, from 10am-11am.

If you have questions about this learning community, please contact Selyna Beverly at [email protected].