Professional Development and Workshops
Writing Across the Curriculum Institutes, Retreats, and Seminars
The Writing Across the Curriculum program is an established professional enrichment experience focused on helping faculty plan and offer courses infused with writing. Our programs include guided activites and readings to aid in the incorperation of writing into the classroom. Our 2020 offerings are as follows:
- Spring Writing Across the Curriculum Regular Institute 2020: This Institute is for any interested EMU faculty member or for any interested EMU full- or part-time lecturer who wishes to incorperate writing into specific undergraduate or graduate courses or who will be teaching a Writing Intensive (W) course in the major.
- Advanced WAC Retreat 2020: This year's Retreat will explore connections between reading and writing and how to design and assess assignments we give.
- Writing Across the Curriculum Seminar, Spring 2020: This Seminar is for any educator who is looking to advance writing instruction in their classroom.
Spring Writing Across the Curriculum Regular Institute 2020
April 30 and May 1, 4, 5, 2020, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Porter Building, Rm. 301
Join us this year for the Writing Across the Curriculum Spring Institute as we celebrate the nation’s 50th anniversary of Writing Across the Curriculum and our own 20th anniversary of WAC at EMU!
The Writing Across the Curriculum (WAC) Writing Fellows program is an established professional enrichment experience focused on helping faculty plan and offer courses infused with writing. It is for any interested faculty member or for any interested full- or part-time lecturer at EMU who wishes to incorporate writing into specific undergraduate or graduate courses or who will be teaching a Writing-Intensive (W) course in the major.
Writing Fellows participate in a four-day Writing Across the Curriculum Institute. This year the Institute will run Thursday and Friday, April 30 and May 1, and then Monday and Tuesday, May 4 and 5,
9 a.m. to 4 p.m. each day. The Institute provides participants with the opportunity to develop or refine a course that uses writing. Topics include developing and addressing writing outcomes (this year, we will pay particular attention to the newly revised outcomes for writing-intensive classes); integrating writing outcomes with other course learning outcomes; planning and developing assignments; supporting student writing through instruction, feedback, and staged activities; using formal and informal writing; grading, responding to, and assessing student writing; and managing the paper load. Participants also become familiar with the services and support offered by the Office of Campus and Community Writing, including student and faculty writing support provided by the University Writing Center.
Writing Fellows benefit from opportunities both during and beyond the Institute to interact with colleagues from across campus and to consult with writing experts.
New Writing Fellows receive $600 for participating in the Institute. Returning Fellows (those who have participated in past Institutes) receive $400. All participants must be available for all four days of the Institute to receive the full compensation. Additionally, participants may elect to attend the Advanced WAC retreat, which is scheduled for Wednesday and Thursday, May 13 and 14. The Advanced WAC retreat will be focused on reading and writing connections and how to design and assess assignments that support students as both readers and writers. Additional compensation beyond the amount indicated for the regular Institute will not be awarded for attending the Advanced WAC retreat.
The application deadline for this year’s WAC Institute is Friday, February 21, 2020. Priority will be given to first-time attendees, and the cohort will be capped based on available funding, so apply early. Attendees will be accepted on a first-come, first-served basis. To apply, please complete this form.
Questions about the Institute can be directed to Dr. Ann Blakeslee via email ([email protected]).
Advanced WAC Retreat 2020: Teaching, Supporting, and Assessing Reading and Writing in Online & Web-Enhanced Classes
May 13, 2020, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., and May 14, 2020, 9 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
Halle Library, Rm. 300
Join us this year for the Writing Across the Curriculum Spring Institute as we celebrate the nation’s 50th anniversary of Writing Across the Curriculum and our own 20th anniversary of WAC at EMU!
The Advanced WAC Retreat is open to current and former WAC Writing Fellows. This year, we will explore—through reading, activities, and dialogue—connections between reading and writing and how to design and assess assignments that support our students in both areas. We will explore ways to scaffold reading and writing in the assignments we give. We also will focus our conversations on teaching, supporting, and assessing what we do with reading and writing in both fully online and web-enhanced classes.
The purpose of this retreat will be to develop ideas and strategies for helping students engage productively with the texts we assign and to gain facility in using those texts in their writing, particularly in our online and web-enhanced classes. We will explore ways to support students in their reading and writing both through the activities and assignments we ask them to complete and through the feedback and assessment we provide in response to those activities and assignments. We will have a combination of guest speakers, targeted activities, and work/application time over the course of our day and a half together.
This Advanced WAC Retreat will take place Wednesday, May 13, 2020, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. and Thursday, May 14, 2020, 9 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. in room 300 Halle Library.
How to Apply
To participate in the 2020 Advanced WAC Retreat, you must have participated already in a Writing Across the Curriculum Regular Spring Institute (this year’s participants are also eligible). The application deadline is Friday, February 21, 2020. To apply, please complete this form. There is no additional compensation for participating in the WAC Advanced Retreat. Questions about the retreat can be directed to Dr. Ann Blakeslee via email ([email protected]).
Writing Across the Curriculum Seminar, Spring 2020
Fridays, May 8 and May 12, 9 a.m. - 4 p.m.
EMU Student Center, Rm. 350
Participants will engage in activites and work centered around:
- Developing and addressing writing outcomes
- Planning and developing writing assignments
- Supporting student writing through instructor feedback and staged activities
- Using formal and informal writing
- Grading, responding to, and assessing student Writing
- $200 for an individual
- $175 per person in groups of three or more
Please check back for registration information! Questions about the retreat can be directed to Dr. Ann Blakeslee via email, [email protected], or phone, (734) 487-4813.