Using WCOnline
WCOnline is the scheduling system for all writing center consultations. It is the website all undergraduate students, graduate students, faculty, and staff can use to schedule in-person, Zoom, and written feedback consultations.
Register for an Account
To use WCOnline, first register for an account using your emich email address.
- Answer the questions in the registration form
- Choose your default view (calendar is easiest to use on a computer)
- Choose your preferred method of contact (reminders will be sent to your phone or email)
- Let us know if you require accommodations during your consultations
- Save the registration
If you have previously registered but have not used the writing center in two or more years, you may need to contact us at [email protected] to reactivate your account.
Schedule a Consultation
Once you are registered, you will be able to schedule a consultation. We offer three types of consultation: in-person, Zoom, and written feedback.
- Use the Schedules dropdown menu at the top of the screen to see the available consultations of the type and level you need
- Synchronous Schedule: All undergraduate and graduate in-person and Zoom consultations
- Undergraduate Written Feedback: Where undergraduates (ECA, freshmen, sophomores, juniors, seniors, and alumni) can submit a paper for written comments
- Graduate Studies Written Feedback: Where graduate students (master's and doctoral), faculty, and staff can submit a paper for written comments
- Use the Show All Staff & Resources dropdown menu to filter by consultant, if desired
- Use the Show All 'Sort by Subject or Location' Options dropdown menu to filter by the subject/topic you want help with, or by the location of the consultant
- Select a white box (an available consultation) and begin answering the questions
- Save your appointment
Some of the most common problems students have are
- not seeing available appointments
- not being able to save the appointment
- having your appointment canceled after you scheduled it
When you do not see available appointments, you usually are either looking on the wrong Schedule (for example, looking for written feedback under the Synchronous Schedule) or looking too far ahead. Either switch to the correct schedule, or be sure you are within two weeks for synchronous consultations or the same day for written feedback (written feedback can only be scheduled on the day of the consutlation.
When you are not able to save the appointment, look at the box outlined in red and filled with pink. It will tell you the reason. Many times, you may be trying to start an appointment at the wrong time (most appointments begin on the hour or half hour) or trying to start an appointment when there is not enough time left (most appointments are 45 minutes).
When your appointment is canceled after you scheduled it, you either
- scheduled with the wrong type of consultant (for example, graduate students, faculty, and staff should only schedule with someone who has GRAD next to their name), or
- scheduled a written feedback consultation without giving us a Word document or a Google doc with the correct sharing (use "anyone with the link can comment").
In this case, we have canceled your appointment so you can reschedule with an appropriate person or provide the correct materials.
If you have questions about answering the questions in our appointment form, email us at [email protected].