Who We Are
UWC Consultants are a diverse group of individuals with one thing in common: We know a lot about writing. We are Part-Time Lecturers, Graduate Assistants, and undergraduate Peer Writing Consultants, and we are all over campus!
Undergraduates can find general writing consultants in both Halle Library (our main location) and Pray-Harrold, and specialists in the hard sciences (like biology) and psychology in our Science Success Center, located in Mark Jefferson. You can find our business specialist in Halle on Tuesdays and Thursdays, and our GameAbove College of Engineering & Technology specialists can be found in both Sill and the Halle Library. And we can't forget our nursing and College of Health & Human Services specialists, who work from Marshall. We're on Zoom and work asynchronously, too.
Graduate Studies students can meet with a UWCGS consultant on campus, too; visit our scheduling page for in-person, Zoom, or asynchronous appointments.
We also offer workshops to instructors, clubs, and campus organizations. Meet our workshop facilitators, or contact us to schedule a workshop.
Learn about us more in the Who We Are pages, linked above and in the menu on the left.
Happy writing!