University Writing Center
EMU’s University Writing Center (UWC) offers writing resources and support to all undergraduate and graduate students and all EMU faculty and staff. The UWC values the diversity of our campus and honors all writers and the languages they bring with them to the university.
Learn more about what we can offer each type of Eastern writer:
Undergraduates are ECA students, freshmen, sophomores, juniors, seniors, and alumni.
Graduate students are master's and doctoral students.
Faculty and staff are instructors or non-student employees of the University.
How We Can Help
The UWC can help writers through all stages of the writing process, from
- understanding assignments,
- brainstorming ideas to start writing,
- citing sources, and
- reviewing your rough draft all the way through your final, polished draft.
We offer more than just grammar, spelling, and punctuation checks (and we won't edit your paper); we offer support and suggestions on things like organization, cohesiveness, and clarity while doing our best to answer your questions and shape the paper in the way you want and need it to be.
We offer three types of consultations—in-person, Zoom, and written feedback. You can schedule consultations on WCOnline. If you want to know more about the people who will be helping you, read about them on our Consultants webpage.
Our Location & Hours
Our main location is 104 Halle Library. We also have a number of satellite locations around campus. You can read about our locations and hours on the Who We Are page of our website.
Working for Us
If you are interested in working for the UWC or our parent office, the Office of Campus & Community Writing, you can find information on our Graduate Assistantships webpage and our Become a Consultant webpage.
What We Believe (Our Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion Statement)
We at the UWC at Eastern Michigan University believe writing has the power to create change and promote equity. We value the languages, intersecting identities, and lived experiences of our writers and staff and believe a multiplicity of voices enriches the academic environment of our university. It is our responsibility to cultivate a welcoming and inviting space where we support and respond to all writers’ needs and actively engage in antiracist practices. To enact these values, we commit ourselves to engaging in ongoing professional learning; to regularly assessing and adapting our processes for recruiting, hiring, and training consultants; and to continuing dialogue on the effectiveness of our practices. We invite feedback from our community to work towards a more equitable, inclusive, and accessible experience for all writers.