Preparing Effective Syllabi: Moving Beyond Required Elements into Engagement, Accessibility, and Enthusiasm

Diverse students gathering around table

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When we think about course syllabi, we often think about the required information they’re expected to contain. This information is certainly important - the syllabus does represent something of a contract between us and our students, and it is important that we present course and university policies accurately and clearly. 

However, the syllabus is primarily a vital tool for introducing ourselves and our course to our students - and for welcoming them into the course. Ideally, a syllabus helps students feel excited about the course they are taking and eager to work with their instructors. We also want our students to feel welcomed and supported in our classes. A good syllabus does all of these things and can get the semester off to a strong start, both in terms of what it says and how it is presented to our students.

Jeffrey Bernstein (Professor of Political Science and Director of the Faculty Development Center) and Hannah Bollin and Rebecca Gilkey (Doctoral Fellows in the Department of Teacher Education) hosted a syllabus workshop to kick off the fall 2024 semester. During this event, we offered participants new ideas and language for your syllabi, both to ensure the requirements are met and to inspire, encourage, and better support our students.

This workshop was held on Wednesday, August 7, from 1 - 2:30 PM in 140BB Strong (the Faculty Conference Room) and over Zoom. 

View the Zoom Recording from this Session

View the Slides from this Session