Teaching in Turbulent Times

If you would like to learn more, please click here for our Teaching in Times of Crisis resource guide.

As instructors, we are sometimes placed in the difficult position of teaching immediately after (or during) an unnerving event or a crisis—and it seems these situations are happening more and more frequently. Sometimes, we have time to process the event before we must teach, and to think at length about how to address it (or not). Other times, we may have much less warning. As such, it is important to be prepared ahead of time to appropriately handle difficult situations (whatever they may be) with both our students’ and our own wellness in mind.

Amidst our heated and contentious political climate, this program offers guidance for instructional staff in thinking about the 2024 election, and other stressful local, national, and world events, in our classrooms. To program was held to provide support and strategies for dealing with the challenges of the outside world, while navigating the complexities of academic life. We invited all tenure-track faculty and lecturers to attend this program. 

This program took place in Halle Library on Friday, September 27th from 12 - 3:30 PM.

Click here to view photos from the event.


Some of the presenters who participated in Teaching in Turbulent Times have graciously allowed us to publish their PowerPoint slides to our websites. To view any of the slides, please click on the title of the presentation below.