Doctoral Fellowships

Congratulations on your Doctoral Fellow award. 
As a new Doctoral Fellow (DF) you are required to participate in the following activities prior to commencing work:
1. Orientation: 
All incoming graduate assistants and doctoral fellows are required to participate in /or view the orientation and complete online modules/trainings. If you are a returning Graduate Assistant, while the Graduate School does not require your attendance, your department may. Please check with your supervisor. GA/DFs must attend a mandatory Graduate School Graduate Assistant/Doctoral Fellowship Orientation:  If you did not attend the virtual orientation, please view the link to the recording of the oreintation. 
2.  Completion of Training Modules: 
  • FERPA Training: GA/DFs are required to complete FERPA training. The link to the United Educator training website will be forthcoming with instructions. At the completion of the training, you will download the certificate of completion and present it to your hiring authority/supervisor. 
  • Cybersecurity Trainings: GA/DFs are required to complete Cybersecurity trainings. At the completion of the trainings, download the certificates of completion and present them to your hiring authority/supervisors. 

Accessing the Trainings Modules: You will be completing the training modules through United Educators (UE). UE is the insurance provider for EMU. You will create a unique access profile. Attached please find step-by-step instructions. Please follow the instructions carefully, remembering to add the branch code. . 

 3. Scope of Work Contract:
Each GA/DF shall contract with their hiring authority/supervisor specific to the scope of work, days and times of work, and all other details specific to the program and work responsibilities. 
Failure to complete the items listed above can lead to (1) a delay in pay, (2) a delay in the start date of the assistantship/fellowship, and/or (3) termination of the assistantship/fellowship. If you have any questions specific to this onboarding and orientation process, please contact your supervisor.   
Attached please find 4 documents: 
Please direct your questions to your supervisor. 

Both Graduate Assistantships and Doctoral Fellowships are recognized awards. Students may receive a
full GA/DF Position, which includes up to 18 graduate credit hours of tuition waiver over an academic
year and a financial stipend. A half-time award includes up to nine (9) graduate credit hours of tuition
waiver over the Fall (5 hours) and Winter (4 hours) semesters and a stipend. Courses taken below the 500 level will not be eligible for reimbursement under the GA/DF tuition waiver benefit, unless the courses are included in the program of study for a 150-credit hour, dual degree, bachelor’s-master’s program.

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