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Exhibit Policy


The library sponsors its own displays and exhibits, and will consider requests to provide temporary space for academic departments, student groups, faculty, staff or students who wish to sponsor an exhibit.


Proposed exhibits should:

  1. Reflect the diversity of the University's curriculum and student body.
  2. Contribute positively to the library's environment, enrich the life of the university community, and strengthen partnerships between the library and the wider community.
  3. Be of an educational or cultural nature and must align with the mission of the library and/or the University.

Library faculty, the Library Marketing and Outreach Team, Academic departments and student organizations can develop exhibits.


Exhibits and displays should:

  1. Be sized and arranged appropriately for the library venue as determined by the Library Marketing and Outreach Team.
  2. Display or otherwise refer to the resources and services of the library.
  3. Be sponsored by an EMU student, faculty, or staff member.
  4. Be determined suitable by an advising librarian.
  5. Not be used for commercial or political purposes, for the solicitation of business, for profit or for fundraising.

Reservation process

To reserve an exhibit space, Library Faculty and Staff must coordinate with the Marketing and Outreach Team to schedule. Other departments, Student Organizations, University Faculty, Staff or Students within the University should contact the Library Administration Office for availability.

Exhibit locations

The Exhibits are located by the stairwell or in the locked display case on the first floor. Exhibitors will be responsible for delivery and removal of work at the conclusion of the exhibit.

Archives and Special Collections

The University Archivist is responsible for the curation of exhibits housed in the third level Special Collections exhibit cases. Duration will be determined by the Archivist based upon preservation best practices for the display of rare or fragile materials.


The library does not provide insurance coverage for exhibit items. Exhibitors agree to exhibit at their own risk. The library is not responsible for any damage, loss, or theft of exhibited non-library items.

Effective date: 4/16/15

Direct questions about this policy to: Library Administration


Halle Library, 955 W. Circle Dr, Ypsilanti MI, USA 48197 Phone:734.487.0020