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Meeting and Classroom Reservations

What Rooms are Available?

The Library has a variety of conference rooms and computer classrooms which may be reserved by EMU faculty and staff for classroom use, organization meetings, and academically-oriented events. Room capacities are limited.

Study rooms have a different reservation process and policies.

Who Can Reserve a Room?

Full-time EMU faculty and staff may reserve rooms. Student staff may not.
 Graduate Assistants may reserve rooms for teaching purposes with written permission from their faculty supervisor to [email protected]. The reservation will be made under the supervisor's name.

How Do I Reserve a Room?

  • Online Room Request Form
  • Phone: 734.487.2540
  • Please allow 3 business days for reservation processing and notification response.
  • Rooms will be opened 15 minutes prior to each reservation. If a room is not open, please call 734.487.2046 or stop at the Circulation Desk and staff will unlock the room.

Questions? Please read the full Room Reservation Policy or contact: [email protected]


Halle Library, 955 W. Circle Dr, Ypsilanti MI, USA 48197 Phone:734.487.0020