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Library resources for online learning

The EMU Library offers many materials and services to support online learning. These include:

Online books and journals

Much of the EMU Library's collection is available electronically through Esearch and our databases. Many ebooks assigned in courses are also available. EMU users can access online materials using your NetID and password. For assistance, see the How to Use the Library page or contact a librarian.

Ask a Librarian

Ask a Librarian has librarians to help you with questions about using the library and researching via 24/7 chat help, e-mail and phone.

Virtual research consultations with EMU Librarians

EMU Librarians are available via email, phone, or Zoom/Google Meet to provide students with in-depth online research consultations or assist faculty in the process of moving from print to online materials, as well as developing online research assignments.  To schedule, contact a librarian subject specialist.

Research Guides

Research guides contain useful resources recommended by library faculty to facilitate research in a specific class or discipline. All Canvas course shells contain links to an appropriate subject or course guide via the "Library Guides" link (the last link in the LH navigation menu). Faculty can contact a subject specialist librarian for more information or to request creation of a specific research guide.

Library-Canvas integrations

In addition to the "Library Guides" link, the library has a number of instructional videos and tutorials that faculty can incorporate into Canvas courses. Contact Bill Marino, Online Learning Librarian, for additional information.



Halle Library, 955 W. Circle Dr, Ypsilanti MI, USA 48197 Phone:734.487.0020