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Notable Collections

The University Library occasionally identifies a collection of unique materials in order to highlight its content (e.g. the “Institute of Textile Technology Collection”).

In exceptional cases, a collection of donated or currently owned materials with special significance may be designated as a “Notable Collection".

A collection must first be nominated for the “Notable Collection” designation by either a Library faculty member or the Dean of the University Library.

Upon receipt of the nomination, the Collection Development Librarian will appoint and consult with two library faculty members to determine if a collection is notable using the following criteria:

  1. The donor and/or collection is associated with Eastern Michigan University.
  2. The content of the collection is distinct, cohesive and significant.
  3. The collection offers opportunities for scholarship, research, or creative activities.

When a collection is designated as notable, the Collection Development Librarian will inform the Dean of the University Library who will notify the donor of the collection.

If the collection is not designated as notable, the Collection Development Librarian will notify the nominator and explain the reasons for that decision.

When a collection is designated as notable it will be processed as follows:

  1. Notable Collection content will be integrated into the regular library collections and catalog.
  2. Each collection will have a link on the Notable Collections web page, with the following elements incorporated into each entry:
    1. Name of the Notable Collection.
    2. A paragraph describing the focus of the collection and if applicable, information about the donor.
    3. Ability to both browse and search that specific collection in the University Library Catalog.

March 19, 2008


Halle Library, 955 W. Circle Dr, Ypsilanti MI, USA 48197 Phone:734.487.0020