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Proxy Patron to Borrow Library Materials

Faculty and staff can designate a staff person, graduate assistant, or student assistant as their proxy to check out library materials.

Assign a Proxy

  • Fill out a Proxy Patron Application Form.
  • A staff member, GA, or student assistant can be the proxy.
  • Designate as many proxies as needed; use a separate application form for each proxy.
  • After personal verification, we will process the request as quickly as possible and will send an email when the request is complete.
  • After you receive notification that the request is complete, the proxy will then be able to use their ID to check out material for themselves, or on the behalf of the faculty/staff member.

  • If you have any questions about library privileges, including checking out materials, please contact 734.487.2562.

Please Note

  • The account holder is responsible for all materials checked out by their proxy.
  • Verify the materials checked out in your name via your library account.
  • Notify the library immediately of any inconsistencies in your account.

For more information please contact the Circulation Desk, 734-487-2562, [email protected].


Halle Library, 955 W. Circle Dr, Ypsilanti MI, USA 48197 Phone:734.487.0020