GradGuard Tuition Insurance
What is it?
We believe you should have an easy and affordable way to protect the investment your family has made in higher education. That’s why Eastern Michigan University has partnered with GradGuard. GradGuard’s Tuition Insurance can help students and parents avoid a financial loss due to an unexpected medical withdrawal from school. Tuition Insurance can broaden the school’s existing refund policy. The tuition Insurance can reimburse tuition, room, board, and other eligible fees if a student withdraws at any time during the covered term.
- Can reimburse up to 100% of the students investments including other school-invoiced fees
- Covered withdrawals can take place any time during the covered Semester
- One call to the assistance hotline can help students and their families take care of emergencies and unexpected issues
What does it cover?
- Serious illness (Mononucleosis, Covid-19, severe head injuries)
- Chronic illnesses (Diabetes, auto-immune diseases)
- Mental health conditions
Tuition insurance must be purchased through the 100% add/drop deadline for courses each term and is offered as a voluntary benefit to our families, your participation is not required but highly recommended. The school is not compensated for this program.
To learn more, please call 877.794.6603 or visit the the GradGuard website.