Rawat, A., Nadavulakere, S., Isenhour, L. & McEnery, J. (2024). Career enhancement strategies, supportive work relationships and subjective career success: the moderating role of family–work conflict. Career Development International, 29(4).
Rawat, A. & Nadavulakere, S. S. (2023). Examining the Role of Emotional Labor in Mediating the Relationship Between Calling and its Outcomes, Journal of Applied Business and Economics, 25(7).
Mesdaghinia, S., Rawat, A. & Nadavulakere, S. S. (2019). Why Moral Followers Quit? Examining the Role of Leader Bottom-Line Mentality and Unethical Pro-Leader Behavior. Journal of Business Ethics, 159(2): 491-505.
Nadavulakere, S. S., & Rawat, A. (2017). Events as Arbiters of Taste: Creation of Cultural Hierarchies in National Cinema and the Role of International Film Festivals. Journal of Academy of Business and Economics, 17(2): 31-40.
Rawat, A. Nadavulakere, S. S. (2015). Examining the Outcomes of Having a Calling: Does Context Matter? Journal of Business and Psychology, 30(3).
Nadavulakere, S. S., Lampel, J. Rawat, A. (2013). The Impact of Reputational Resources on Event Performance in International Film Festivals. American Journal of Management.