Diana Wong

Diana Wong

Associate Professor of Management


210 Hill


[email protected]


  • Ph.D. University of Massachusetts
  • MBA Dalhouse University, Nova Scotia
  • BC Teaching Certificate University of British Columbia
  • BA Economics, University of British Columbia

Professional Summary

Dr. Wong's areas of research interests include strategic alliances, merger and acquisition integration, learning and technological innovations, and international management of global strategies. She chaired the planning committee for developing and implementing the International Cultural Competence Institute for faculty and staff at Eastern Michigan University. In addition to committee work at different levels of the university, she consults with executive managers who focus on strategic change for leading organizations. Dr. Wong's professional involvement includes the Academy of Management, Academy of International Business, Strategic Management Society, North American Case Research Association, Eastern Academy of Management, Southern Academy of Management, and the Caribbean Studies Association. She reviews for various conferences and publications such as human relations, groups and organization management, journal of business research, and journal of organization and change management.

Courses Taught

  • MGMT 388 Introduction to Entrepreneurship
  • MGMT 486 Organizational Change and Team Building
  • MGMT 490 Business Policy
  • MGMT 495 International Management
  • MGMT 497 One Credit Independent Study
  • MGMT 570 New Venture Creation
  • MGMT 602 Theory and Techniques of Organizational Development
  • MGMT 696 Strategic Management
  • MGMT 697 One Credit Independent Study
  • MGMT 699 Three Credit Independent Study

Research Interests & Projects

Dr. Wong teaches graduate and undergraduate strategic management, organization development and change, entrepreneurship, and teams and teamwork. She also has experience teaching leadership, international management, research methods and data collection, and organizational behavior to undergraduate, graduates, and executive graduate students.

Selected Publications

Wong, D. (in press, 2006). Shifting demands for intellectual capital through ages of innovation. Association of Chinese Management Educators Conference Proceedings.

Wong, D. (in press, 2006). Contesting boundaries: The Shifting borders of globalization. Critical Management Studies Workshop Conference.

Wong, D. (in press, 2006). Framing Globalization Through Local Lenses. Midwest Academy of Management Conference.

Wong, D. & Ma, H. (in press, 2005). Cultural Mythology and Leadership in China, Symposium on Mythology and leadership: A multicultural exploration of models and styles. International Eastern Academy of Management Conference Proceedings, Managing in a Global Economy.

Kosnik, T., Wong-MingJi, D. J. , & Hoover, K. (in press, 2005). Outsourcing vs. In-sourcing in the Human Resource Supply Chain. Personnel Review.