Industrial Relations and Human Resource Management - His teaching interests are in the areas of compensation, human resource management, and organizational behavior.
Schulz, E.; Chowdhury, S. Van de Voort, D. (Forthcoming). Firm productivity moderated link between human capital and compensation: The significance of task-specific human capital. Human Resource Management.
Schulz, E. R., Camp, R., Waltman , J. (2007). Incremental Effectiveness of Two key IT Recruitment Methods . Journal of Managerial Issues.
Schulz, E. R., Tubbs, S., Frye, C. (2006). Compensation, Leadership, and organizational effectiveness. Insights to a Changing World, Volume 200 (Issue 2), 1-26.
Tubbs, S. L. Schulz , E. R. (2006). Exploring a Taxonomy of Global Leadership Competencies and Meta-competencies. Journal of American Academy of Business, 8 (2), 29-34.
Schulz, E. R.Tanguay, D. M. (in press, 2005). Merit Pay in a Public Higher Education Institution: Questions of Impact and Attitudes. Public Personnel Management.