Program Information

Alumni Stories
Our alumni are editors, content specialists, librarians and library clerks, teachers and authors.
Children's literature undergraduate students are welcome to apply to scholarships.
"I work part-time for a digital marketing firm as a graphic designer for Google, Bing, FB ads, and content writing, and work full-time as a mom of two kids. This degree in children's literature was just a kick-start to a life-changing thinking process that extended beyond picking literature! I worked for a while in the publishing industry, where I applied every bit of knowledge gained while editing, designing children's books, and I am currently in the process of finishing my first book."
“I am the manager of youth programming for Arlington Public Library in Arlington, TX. I get to lead a team of library staff who create programs for our diverse, urban community. I have personally got to lead workshops for local childcare providers, library staff, and library conferences that teach professionals how to analyze and appreciate picture books. I am so grateful for my children's literature degree because it has helped me teach my team how to select and appreciate good books for our 17 weekly storytimes and my workshops focus on how to read books with the child, not just to the child. I am currently leading a book club for adults where we read children's books and watch the movie adaptations so we can discuss them together. I also was made more aware of the importance of advocating for diverse literature after being in the EMU program, and we are constantly trying new displays and programs that highlight multicultural literature and promote diversity in our city.”
"I currently work for Volkswagen Group of American as a content specialist, assisting in the publication process for the owners and dealer literature for all Volkswagen and Audi vehicles. It's amazing that I daily use the knowledge I learned in the Children's Lit Graduate Program about the publishing process!"
"I am a part-time English instructor at Washtenaw Community College and a full-time mom. My position at WCC requires me to be flexible and able to jump into whatever courses need to be taught. I am currently teaching an introductory composition course and will soon be teaching horror and science fiction as well. The CHL program has helped me to be both a better teacher and a better mom by showing me the significance and importance of having a widely diverse selection of texts available and by helping me to think critically about what we read and how we read it."
"I am currently serving as an AmeriCorps member through City Year Denver. I am the literacy coordinator at Compass Academy where I utilize my knowledge in children’s literature daily."
"Since graduating from Eastern, I'm now working full time as a barista at Starbucks. When not serving coffee to a varied cast of characters, I'm working on the second draft of the manuscript I wrote for my Creative Project, a YA novel adaptation of the Grimm's Fairy Tale 'Fundevogel.'"
"Since graduation, I have published two children's books. My first, "Might-E" was nominated for an Independent Publishers Award for best picture book. The "Mud Princess", my new book, has had a strong start, breaking through the top 10,000 books (out of 8 million) on Amazon. Without the detailed look at multicultural and illustrated texts provided by the Children's Literature Program, I would not be in the position I am in today! #BeMightE & StayMuddy!”
“After graduating the CHL MA program at EMU, I obtained a position as a library clerk at the Monroe County library. It doesn’t require an extra library science degree and I’m using the skills I acquired as a TA for the CHL program to help develop, organize, and run various events (from books clubs to special programs) offered in the library for the community. Additionally, I assist patrons with book recommendations, requests, checking in materials, and sometimes I even help the children’s librarians with displays and reading programs!”
Our alumni are editors, content specialists, librarians and library clerks, teachers and authors.
Children's literature undergraduate students are welcome to apply to scholarships.