Important Information for Fall 2024

Winter 2025 Payment Plan Due Dates

  • Thursday, Nov. 14 - 1st Winter 2025 Bill Sent
  • Thursday, Dec. 5 - 5 Fee Free Payment Plan Due Date
  • Thursday, Dec. 19 - Due Date
  • Thursday, Jan. 16 - Semester Due Date
  • Thursday, Feb. 13 - Due Date
  • Thursday, Mar. 13 - Due Date

Billing Information

Financial Aid will begin disbursing payments to bills for Winter 2025 semester the week of December 25, 2024.  If your aid is "Authorized", it is aid that is scheduled for disbursement, with all the disbursement requirements completed. Any Financial Aid that is not complete will not be included in the Authorized Aid amounts on your eBill. If you are expecting your aid amount to be higher than what is listed as Authorized we suggest you review your my.emich for outstanding requirements or contact the Financial Aid office directly.

An account which has aid that is not paid or authorized prior to the first bill due date will be eligible to receive a hold and/or late fees.

If your Authorized Aid amount is refundable and larger than your account balance, you may be eligible to receive a refund. Winter refunds will be available beginning in the afternoon on January 3, 2025.  

If your Authorized Aid amount is not enough to cover your balance in full and you are unable to pay your portion by the Winter due date of January 16, 2025 you may sign up for the fee free five payment plan through January 16.  The four payment plan and three payment plan options have a $35 fee after January 16, 2025.    

Payment Plan

Students and Authorized Users now have the option to enroll in auto deduction of payments on the plan due dates from a saved payment method, of either ACH or Credit Card. Payments can also be scheduled at prior to the bill due dates. 

Past Due Balances The payment plan will now include charges from previous three semesters. When attempting to enroll in the payment plan if you have outstanding charges from a previous semester, those charges will be combined as "previous balance term(s)" and will be divided among the installment payments. If a student has a credit balance owed (potential refund due) for the current semester and past due charges, enrollment in the payment plan will not be allowed the student must have eligible charges from the current semester in order to enroll in the payment plan.

Eagle OneCard

If you have not already received an Eagle OneCard, please contact Eagle Card Services. You can prompt your card issuing by uploading your photo on the online photo submission page. Issued cards allow for the refund preference to be set up.

If you have already received your Eagle OneCard please be sure to select a refund preference at Selecting your refund preference will also activate your on campus access.

Graduate and Doctoral Online Fees

Starting with the Fall 2021 semester, the graduate and doctoral programs are no longer being assessed online fees. The online fee has been rolled into the per credit hour tuition rate. 

Changes to the 1098T process - Tax year 2018 and forward

In previous years, your 1098-T included a figure in Box 2 that represented the qualified tuition and related expenses (QTRE) we billed to your student account for the calendar (tax) year.  Due to a change to institutional reporting requirements under federal law, beginning with tax year 2018, we will report in Box 1 the amount of QTRE you paid during the year. 

Rec/IM Facility Fee

Eastern Michigan University’s Recreation and Intramural Sports Department (Rec/IM) strives to provide the campus and surrounding community with quality recreation facilities and activities, which promotes a healthy lifestyle through participation in exercise, individual and team sports, educational programs and recreational events.

The Student Government and Board of Regent approved fee of $80, will be used for the improvements and maintenance of the Rec/IM facility and surrounding area.

A message from Student Government (January 2017)

"Our Rec/IM is the single largest athletic facility in Michigan with five floors and 188,000 square feet. It is a crown jewel of Eastern's yet, it is in disarray. Our facility needs to be renovated badly as it has not seen significant upgrades in 30+ years. It is a space that is used by thousands of students, and many others in the surrounding Ypsilanti community. That is why Student Government, in January of 2017, proposed and passed a per semester fee of $40 dollars that would allow some of the renovations that our Rec/IM, its staff and our students have asked to happen. It would go straight onto your e-bill and you can opt out of paying that fee if you feel that is best for your financial standing.

This small cost to use the Rec/IM building is often a mandatory fee in the hundreds of dollars that other universities force their students to pay. Nowhere near the $40 for ours. Even at the very least, we are providing the option to opt-out but beware, if the opt-out is used, the Rec/IM will be closed to you. You can always opt back in but realistically, this small amount is roughly the cost of seven Starbucks' caramel macchiatos, two large delivered pizzas, and not even half the price of a nice pair of shoes. I know that some of us buy all of these within a week versus an entire semester’s use of the Rec!

I am confident good things will come out of this, for example, the Student Center needed a fee to be built, and it became the #1 ranked student center in the country. We know there are more issues; social, physical, institutional, on campus that need to be addressed, and most of them are already being worked on. Yet, as it stands the Rec desperately needs renovations, and money cannot grow on trees, so the fee is a small price to pay to aid in getting our fantastic Rec to the condition that the students at Eastern deserve!"