February 2020 Featured Writers: Writing in Fragile Environments Institute

Eastern Michigan University sign tacted onto a tree in the woods.
A group of writers met at the Parson's Center in northern Michigan to explore nature and write about fragile environments.

Every month The Office of Campus and Community Writing celebrates a writer or group of writers from the campus or local community as part of our Featured Writers Series. 

Writing in Fragile Environments Institute

December’s Featured Writers are the participants of the EMWP’s Summer Writing Institute, “Writing in Fragile Environments.” The Institute provided these writers an opportunity to visit beautiful, natural locations in northern Michigan and write based on their experiences in each place. The program encouraged the writers think deeply about the drastic changes Michigan environments have undergone in the last several hundred years and how to capture those thoughts in language. It was designed for participants in the education field to learn how to teach nature writing to their students.

Read our full article on the Writing in Fragile Environments group [PDF].

If you would like to read some of the work written during the institute, you can find Brittany Fuqua’s poem, “Keep Me” and Monica Lewis’s poem, “Treat’s Forge in 1912” as PDFs. 

Read about our previous featured writers. If you have an idea for a future Featured Writers individual or group, please email Cathy Flesicher at [email protected]

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