Jeffrey Guthrie

A photo of Jeffrey Guthrie


Chemistry; Environmental Science and Society Interdisciplinary Program

501H Science Complex


[email protected]


Bioanalytical Chemistry

  • BS, Thompson Rivers University, 1999
  • Ph.D., Carleton University, 2004

Interests and Expertise

My current research interests are in environmental bioanalytical/analytical chemistry. My main projects are in the development of novel biosensors that use synthetic DNA fragments as probes for the detection of environmental contaminants in aquatic systems and the study of cellular DNA damage from environmental agents such as ultraviolet radiation and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons.


  • CHEM 122 General Chemistry I Laboratory
  • CHEM 123 General Chemistry II
  • CHEM 281 Introduction to Analytical Chemistry
  • CHEM 381 Instrumentation for Chemical Technology
  • CHEM 453 Biochemistry

Publications and Presentations

  • Hind Al Khashali, Ravel Ray, Ban Darweesh, Caroline Wozniak, Ben Haddad, Stuti Goel, Issah Seidu, Jeneen Khalil, Brooke Lopo, Nayrooz Murshed, Jeffrey Guthrie, Deborah Heyl, Hedeel Guy Evans, “Amyloid Beta Leads to Decreased Acetylcholine Levels and Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer Cell Survival via a Mechanism That Involves p38 Mitogen-Activated Protein Kinase and Protein Kinase C in a p53-Dependent and -Independent Manner” Int. J. Mol. Sci. 25(9), 5033 (2024)
  • Ben Haddad, Jeneen Khalil, Hind Al Khashali, Ravel Ray, Stuti Goel,  Ban Darweesh, Kai-ling Coleman, Caroline Wozniak, Robert Ranzenberger, Brooke Lopo, Jeffrey Guthrie, Deborah Heyl, Hedeel Guy Evans, “The role of leptin in regulation of the soluble amyloid precursor protein α (sAPPα) levels in lung cancer cell media” Scientific Reports 14, 4921 (2024)
  • Hind Al Khashali, Ban Darweesh, Ravel Ray, Ben Haddad, Caroline Wozniak, Robert Ranzenberger, Stuti Goel, Jeneen Khalil, Jeffrey Guthrie, Deborah Heyl and Hedeel Guy Evans, “Regulation of Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor Signaling by Nicotine in a Manner Dependent on Acetylcholine-and/or β-Adrenergic-Receptors in Human Lung Cancer Cells”, Cancers, 15, 5500 (2023)  
  • Ravel Ray, Stuti Goel, Hind Al Khashali, Ban Darweesh, Ben Haddad, Caroline Wozniak, Robert Ranzenberger, Jeneen Khalil, Jeffrey Guthrie, Deborah Heyl, and Hedeel Guy Evans, “Regulation of Soluble E-Cadherin Signaling in Non-Small-Cell Lung Cancer Cells by Nicotine, BDNF, and β-Adrenergic Receptor Ligands”, Biomedicines, 11(9), 2555 (2023)
  • Kai-ling Coleman, Michael Chiaramonti, Ben Haddad, Robert Ranzenberger, Heather Henning, Hind Al Khashali, Ravel Ray, Ban Darweesh, Jeffrey Guthrie, Deborah Heyl, and Hedeel Guy Evans, “Phosphorylation of IGFBP-3 by Casein Kinase 2 Blocks Its Interaction with Hyaluronan, Enabling HA-CD44 Signaling Leading to Increased NSCLC Cell Survival and Cisplatin Resistance", Cells, 12, 405 (2023).
  • Hind Al Khashali, Jadziah Wareham, Ravel Ray, Ben Haddad, Kai-Ling Coleman, Robert Ranzenberger, Patrick McCombs, Jeffrey Guthrie, Deborah Heyl and Hedeel Guy Evans, "Opposing Roles of IGFBP-3 and Heparanase in Regulating A549 Lung Cancer Cell Survival", Cells, 11, 3533 (2022)
  • Ravel Ray, Hind Al Khashali, Ben Haddad, Jadziah Wareham, Kai-Ling Coleman, Danyah Alomari, Robert Ranzenberger, Jeffrey Guthrie, Deborah Heyl and Hedeel Guy Evans, "Regulation of Cisplatin Resistance in Lung Cancer Cells by Nicotine, BDNF, and a β-Adrenergic Receptor Blocker", Int. J. Mol. Sci., 23, 12829 (2022)
  • Hind Al Khashali, Ravel Ray, Kai-Ling Coleman, Sarah Atali, Ben Haddad, Jadziah Wareham, Jeffrey Guthrie, Deborah Heyl, Hedeel Guy Evans "Regulation of the Soluble Amyloid Precursor Protein α (sAPPα) Levels by Acetylcholinesterase and Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor in Lung Cancer Cell Media" Int. J. Mol. Sci., 23(18) 10746 (2022)
  • Sadaf Dorandish, Sarah Atali, Ravel Ray, Hind Al Khashali, Kai-Ling Coleman, Jeffrey Guthrie, Deborah Heyl, Hedeel Guy Evans “Differences in the Relative Abundance of ProBDNF and Mature BDNF in A549 and H1299 Human Lung Cancer Cell Media,” Int. J. Mol. Sci., 22(13), 7059 (2021)
  • Sadaf Dorandish, Asana Williams, Sarah Atali, Sophia Sendo, Deanna Price, Colton Thompson, Jeffrey Guthrie, Deborah Heyl, and Hedeel Guy Evans "Regulation of Amyloid-β Levels by Matrix Metalloproteinase-2/9 (MMP2/9) in the Media of Lung Cancer Cells"  Nature/Scientific Reports 11, 9708 (2021)
  • Sarah Atali, Sadaf Dorandish, Jonathan Devos, Asana Williams, Deanna Price, Jaylen Taylor, Jeffrey Guthrie, Deborah Heyl, and Hedeel Guy Evans "Interaction of amyloid beta with humanin and acetylcholinesterase is modulated by ATP" FEBS Open Bio. (2020)
  • Sadaf Dorandish, Jonathan Devos, Bradley Clegg, Deanna Price, Robert Muterspaugh, Jeffrey Guthrie, Deborah Heyl, and Hedeel Guy Evans, "Biochemical determinants of the IGFBP-3-hyaluronan interaction" FEBS Open Bio. (2020)
  • Deanna Price, Sadaf Dorandish, Asana Williams, Brandon Iwaniec, Alexis Stephens, Keyan Marshall, Jeffrey Guthrie, Deborah Heyl, and Hedeel Guy Evans, "Humanin blocks aggregation of amyloid beta induced by acetylcholinesterase, an effect abolished in the presence of IGFBP-3".  Biochemistry.  2020 (May 8). [Epub ahead of print]
  • Deanna Price, Robert Muterspaugh, Bradley Clegg, Asana Williams, Alexis Stephens, Jeffrey Guthrie, Deborah Heyl, Hedeel Guy Evans, "IGFBP-3 Blocks Hyaluronan-CD44 Signaling, Leading to Increased Acetylcholinesterase Levels in A549 Cell Media and Apoptosis in a p53-Dependent Manner" Sci. Rep. 2020, 10, 5083 
  • R. Muterspaugh, D. Price, D. Esckilsen, S. McEachern, J.W. Guthrie, D.L. Heyl, H.G. Evans, "Interaction of Insulin-Like Growth Factor-Binding protein 3 With Hyaluronan and Its Regulation by Humanin and CD44" Biochemistry, 2018, 57 (39), pp 5726–5737
  • H.G. Evans, J.W. Guthrie, M. Jujjavarapu, N. Hendrickson, A. Eitel, Y. Park, J. Garvey, R Newman, D. Esckilsen, and D.L. Heyl, “D-Amino Acid Analogues of the Antimicrobial Peptide CDT Exhibit Anti-Cancer Properties in A549, a Human Lung Adenocarcinoma Cell Line” Protein Pept. Lett., 2017, 24, 590-598
  • J.W. Guthrie, R.T. Limmer, E.A. Brooks, C.C. Wisnewski, N.D. Loggins-Davis, A. Bouzid, Simultaneous Detection of Ultraviolet B-Induced DNA Damage Using Capillary Electrophoresis with Laser-Induced Fluorescence, Anal. Chim. Acta, 2015, 853, 676–681.
  • J.W. Guthrie, 3.01 - General Considerations when Dealing with Biological Fluid Samples, In: Editor-in-Chief: Janusz Pawliszyn, Editor(s)-in-Chief, Comprehensive Sampling and Sample Preparation, Academic Press, Oxford, 2012, Pages 119
  • Weisener, C.G., Guthrie, J., Smeaton, C., Paktunc, D. and Fryer, J. "Effects of Ca-Fe-As coatings on microbial leaching of metals in arsenic bearing mine waste" Journal of Geochemical Exploration, 2011, 110, 2330
  • J.W. Guthrie, X.C Le "Aptamers in affinity separations: capillary electrophoresis" Feb 2009, Springer, Chapter 9, Functional Nucleic Acids for Sensing and Other Analytical Applications, 252270
  • J.W. Guthrie, J. Lee, M. Weinfeld, and X.C. Le, "Mechanistic investigation of the formation of Benzo[a]pyrene Induced DNA Adducts in the Presence of Arsenic" Manuscript in preparation.
  • A.A. Goulko, Q. Zhao, J.W. Guthrie, H. Zou, and X.C. Le, "Fluorescence Polarization: Recent Bioanalytical Applications, Pitfalls, and Future Trends" Springer Series on Fluorescence, 2008, 5, 303322
  • J.W. Guthrie, J-H Ryu, X.C. Le, and L. Weibe, "Characterization of a Cyclodextrin-Oligonucleotide Complex by Capillary Electrophoresis Using Laser-Induced Fluorescence" J. Pharm. Pharm. Sci., 2007 10(2), 246255.
  • J.W. Guthrie, C.L.A. Hamula, H. Zhang, X.C. Le and X-F. Li "Selection and Analytical Applications of Aptamers" TrAC, 2006, 25, 681691. (Co-first author)
  • J.W. Guthrie, C.L.A. Hamula, H. Zhang, and X.C. Le, "Assays for Cytokines Using Aptamers" Methods, 2006, 38(4), 324330.
  • H. Fu, J.W. Guthrie, X.C. Le, "Study of Binding Stoichiometries of the Human Immunodeficiency Virus Type 1 Reverse Transcriptase by Capillary Electrophoresis and Laser-Induced Fluorescence Polarization Using Aptamers as Probes" Electrophoresis, 2006, 27, 433441.
  • C.A. Murimboh, J. Deng, J.D. Murimboh, J.W. Guthrie, C.L. Chakrabarti and D.S. Lean, "An Electrochemical Study of the Interactions between Trace Metals and Humic Substances in Freshwaters by Anodic Stripping Voltammetry with a Thin Mercury Film Rotating Disk Electrode" Electroanalysis, 2005, 17, 19771984.
  • J.W. Guthrie, J. Murimboh, N.M. Hassan, M.S.A. Salam, C.L. Chakrabarti, and D.C. Grégoire, "Speciation of Ni2+, Cu2+, Zn2+, and Cd2+ in some Metal-Impacted Lake Waters: A Comparison of Experimental Data with Predictions from the Windermere Humic Aqueous Models (WHAM) V and VI" Anal. Chim. Acta, 2005, 528, 205218.
  • J.W. Guthrie, R. Mandal, M.S.A. Salam, N.M. Hassan, J. Murimboh, C.L. Chakrabarti, M.H. Back, and D.C. Grégoire, "Kinetic Studies of Nickel Speciation in Model Solutions of a Well-Characterized Humic Acid using the Competitive Ligand Exchange Method" Anal. Chim. Acta, 2003, 480, 157169.

Grants, Honors and Awards

Recipient of the William Fennel Symposium Faculty Mentor Award (2013)

Professional Affiliations

  • American Chemical Society
  • Canadian Society for Chemistry

Additional Information

Guthrie Lab Website