My primary interest is in studying the statistics of lattice-filling processes. A lattice is a collection of sites where events may occur (1D - C atoms along a polymer chain; 2D - the atoms comprising a metal surface). In any process a site can be specified as "empty" or "filled" depending upon whether an event (reaction, adsorption, etc.) has occurred there. The time-dependence of the distribution of empty and filled sites can be described using kinetic (rate) equations. Consequently, the majority of the work involves deriving kinetic equations and applying previously-developed solution techniques to obtain numerical solutions. To test the accuracy of the results, Monte Carlo simulations are performed using the computer's random-number generator.
At present I am working on developing a general model which will, eventually, be applicable to a variety of chemical processes. The effects due to edges (finite-size of the lattice), competitive processes, defective sites and multiple events at a single site are all of current interest.