Professor of Decision Sciences, Faculty Coordinator for Beta Gamma Sigma
456 Owen
Woodland, L. M. & Woodland, B. (2003). The Reverse Favourite-Longshot Bias and Market Efficiency: An Update. Bulletin of Economic Research, 55 (2), 113-123.
Woodland, B. M. (2001). Market Efficiency and Profitability Wagering in the National Hockey League: Can Bettors Score on Longshots. Southern Economic Journal, 67 (4), 983-995.
Woodland, L. M. & Woodland, B. M. (2000). Testing Contrarian Strategies in the National Football League. Journal of Sports Economics, 1 (2), 187-193-.
Woodland, L. M. & Woodland, B. M. (1999). Expected Utility, Skewness, and the Baseball Betting Marketing. Applied Economics, 31, 337-45.