Doctoral Student Low Enrollment
Doctoral students who have completed ALL academic coursework (excluding comprehensive exam, dissertation and/or internship), but who continue to work toward completion of those requirements may be considered full-time during periods of registration in those (comprehensive exam, dissertation and/or internship) courses. After such registrations are no longer needed to satisfy program requirements, a doctoral student may enroll in a Continuous Enrollment (767) course and be considered a full-time student. A FINAL program of study must be on file to verify eligibility, and a formal request is required. Request forms are available on the Registrar’s website (
This opportunity for full-time status does not apply if other courses on the program of study are not completed, or during terms in which registration in other courses exists (including, but not limited to, independent study).
Enrollment in the Continuous Enrollment (767) course will not apply toward degree completion, nor will there be assignments or a grade.
The full-time status will assist in several ways, including:
● enabling access to University services such as the library as the thesis/dissertation or final project is being completed;
● delaying loan repayment while completing a thesis, dissertation, or final project;
● providing liability coverage during internship or field placement.
Some graduate programs, such as the doctoral program in Educational Leadership, may require continuous enrollment. Students may repeat registration in a continuous enrollment course as often as needed.