Register for Classes
Using the Add or Drop Classes link, students can register for classes, including independent studies, classes requiring department permissions, or classes with co-requisites that require simultaneous registration. Prior to the start of the registration period, you should verify that you are eligible to register for classes and review the requirements for courses in which you plan to register.
Follow these directions to register for classes:
- Navigate to the Student Services menu.
- Click the Registration link.
- The Registration menu is displayed. Click the Add or Drop Classes link.Note: You may be prompted to select a term.
- The Add or Drop Classes page is displayed. Type the CRN(s) you want to register for in the CRNs field(s).
Note: The Add or Drop Classes page also allows you to: 1) view your current schedule via the Current Schedule section, 2) register for classes via the Add Classes Worksheet section, and search for class sections via the Class Search button.
- When you are finished, click the Submit Changes button.
- The class is displayed in the Current Schedule section with a status of **Registered** on [Registration Date] in the Status column.
Note: If there is a problem registering for a class (e.g., the student doesn't meet the prerequisites), an error message (e.g., PREQ and TEST SCORE-ERROR) will display in the Status column.
- When you are finished, click the Student Services tab to return to the Student Services menu.