Glossary of Terms
- CRN stands for Course Reference Number. This is a five-digit number that uniquely identifies a particular section of a course.
- S stands for Status. This column denotes whether sections are Honors sections (H), First Year Seminar sections (F) or CSIE Program (E). If any of these four codes appear in that column, students will not be able to register for the section unless they are in that particular program. Sections with no Status code are open to the general population, provided course restrictions and prerequisite requirements are met.
- P/T stands for Part of Term (also used interchangeably with Sub-term). There are several Parts of Term within each term. For example, Fall term consists of a 15-week Part of Term, several 7.5-week Parts of Term, and a one-week Part of Term.
- ST stands for Schedule Type. The following codes are used:
- Specialized Schedule Types
- AMU – Applied Music
- AMS – Applied Music Secondary
- CLB - Clinical with On Campus Lab
- CLN - Clinical
- CP – Cooperative Education
- DST - Design Studio
- ENS – Ensemble
- FE – Field Experience
- IST – Independent Study
- MT – Music Techniques
- ST – Studio
- Standard Schedule Types
- L – Lecture
- LAB – Lab
- LBR – Lab & Recitation
- LLA – Lecture & Lab
- LLR – Lecture & Lab & Recitation
- LRE – Lecture & Recitation
- LST – Lecture & Studio
- REC - Recitation
- College of Arts and Sceinces (CAS) Schedule Types
- SDO – CAS Sciences Online Lecture
- SHL – CAS Sciences Hybrid Lecture
- SL – CAS Sciences Lecture
- SLO - CAS Sciences Online Lecture with On-campus Lab or Recitation
- Campus Codes
- Completely on Campus
- M1/M5/M7: Fully on campus
- Completely Online
- OA1/OA5/OA7: Online (only) asynchronously (without meeting day(s) or time(s)).
- OM1/OM5/OM7: Online (only) both synchronously (with assigned meeting day(s) and time(s)) and asynchronously (without meeting day(s) or time(s)).
- OS1/OS5/OS7: Online only synchronously (with assigned meeting day(s) and time(s)).
- Partially on Campus/Partially Online
- MA1/MA5/MA7: Partially on campus and partially online asynchronously (without meeting day(s) or time(s)).
- MM1/MM5/MM7: Partially on campus and partially online both synchronously (with assigned meeting day(s) and time(s)) and asynchronously (without meeting day(s) or time(s)).
- MS1/MS5/MS7: Partially on campus and partially online synchronously (with meeting day(s) and time(s)).
- Completely on Campus
- DP stands for Department Permission. If a DP code appears in this column for a particular section, then that section requires department permission. Students will be unable to register for the section until they secure authorization from the proper academic department.
- Days denotes which day of the week the class is held: M – Monday, T – Tuesday, W – Wednesday, R – Thursday, F – Friday, S – Saturday, U – Sunday (eg. TR means Tuesday and Thursday)
- Location denotes sections offered through the College of Business or through Extended Programs. If there is no location, then the class is not offered through Extended Programs and is most likely on the EMU main campus.