Prof. Don Snyder Retires
Prof. Don Snyder retired in April of 2021, having served as a faculty member in the department of Chemistry for 28 years. Dr. Snyder earned his Ph.D. in Organic Chemistry from Purdue University and worked for several years in industry (while pursuing his love of college teaching on the side) before joining our department. He therefore brought with him a unique perspective, having worked outside of academia. He was a well-respected professor mainly specializing in Organic Chemistry and Polymer Chemistry, and he was also able to teach courses in Industrial Chemistry and serve as our faculty coordinator for Internships. Of course, he also served and led faithfully on a number of departmental, college, and university committees throughout the years, was a regular attendee at commencement, and willingly performed numerous other service roles. In addition, he maintained an active research program and mentored research students. He was a “go-to” expert in several areas, always willing to share his broad knowledge, and collaborated with faculty in the College of Technology. Don was one of those easygoing and flexible colleagues who was always willing to help a student or contribute where needed, never complaining about what or when he was assigned to teach or any thankless assignment, and could always be relied upon to do a first-rate job, no matter the task.