Fund and Org Codes
Fund codes and Organization (Org) codes are needed to perform budget queries in My.Emich. Check with someone in your department if you do not know your codes. The Fund and Org code together form the unique identifier for a department account. My.Emich requires both codes to execute most budget queries.
Fund Code
The Fund code indicates where the money comes from, and what type of restrictions these monies fall under. A Fund code is six characters long, and always starts with a letter.
General Fund = G00005
Designated Fund = Dxxxxx
Restricted Fund = Rxxxxx (can be a grant, development account or scholarship)
Org Code
The Org code represents a department, or a unit within a department. An Org code is a six-digit numerical code.
Example: 125050
Fund and Org Codes
The Fund and Org code together form a unique identifier for a department account.
G00005 - 125050
D26250 - 125050
R12345 - 125050
As you can see, an Org code can have multiple Fund codes affiliated with it.