To move budget from the General fund to the General fund or from Auxiliary fund to Auxillary fund:
- Log into Financial Self-Service,
- Click on the Finance Operations tab,
- Click on the Budget Queries link
- Click on the Budget Transfer link under Finance
- Complete and submit the online form for approval.
- Transactions are approved by the department.
- Program Codes for All Funds and Orgs [PDF]
To transfer funds between approved fund types, (i.e. Designated fund to General fund):
- Complete the InterDepartment Transfer Form [PDF] and return to General Accounting
- InterDepartment Transfer Guidelines [PDF]
To move a student payroll expense from one fund/org to another:
- Complete the Student Payroll Expense Transfer [PDF] form,
- If college work study expenses are involved, send the form to the Office of Financial Aid in 403 Pierce.
- Otherwise send the form to the Payroll Office in 112 Hover.
To move Faculty, Staff, or Grad Assistant salary expenses from one fund/org to another,
contact the appropriate Human Resources office and request the completion a new PAF (Personnel Action Form):
- Faculty/Lecturers - Academic Human Resources
- Staff - Human Resources
- Grad Assistants - Graduate School
If your department is selling goods and services to other EMU departments, use our Excel Journal Voucher Template to post the transactions. Ask for the template by sending an email to [email protected].