Find Your Advisor

Program Advisor Address Phone Email
Social Work [M.S.W.] David Evoy 315 Marshall 734.487.6807 [email protected]
Sociology [M.A.] Rachel Schroeder, PhD. 712 Pray-Harrold 734.487.0012 [email protected]
Special Education Teaching Endorsement [Graduate Certificate] Contact the department for advisor information 128 Porter 734.487.3300 -
Special Education [M.A.T.] Contact the department for advisor information 128 Porter 734-487-3300 -
Special Education [M.A.] Contact the department for advisor information 128 Porter 734.487.3300 -
Special Education [Sp.A.] David Winters, PhD 128 Porter 734.487.3300 [email protected]
Sport Management [M.S.] Brenda Riemer Ph.D. 318 Porter 734.487.0090 [email protected]
Supply Chain Management [Graduate Certificate] Graduate Programs Office 204 Hill Hall 734.487.4444 [email protected]
Sustainable Construction [Graduate Certificate] Suleiman Ashur, PhD 120 Sill Hall 734.487.1832 [email protected]
Taxation [M.S.] Noel Brock, Ph.D. 402 Hill Hall 734.487.3320 [email protected]
Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages / TESOL Ildiko (Ildi) Porter-Szucs 317 Alexander Music Building 734.487.6487 [email protected]
Teaching of Writing [Graduate Certificate] Steven Krause Ph.D. 612 Pray-Harrold 734.487.4220 [email protected]
Technical Communication [Graduate Certificate] Steven Krause Ph.D. 612 Pray-Harrold 734.487.4220 [email protected]
Technology Studies [M.S.] Guy Downs, PhD 206J Roosevelt 734.487.2899 [email protected]
Technology [Ph.D.] Kasim Korkmaz, PhD 207 Sill Hall 734-487-0354 [email protected]
Theatre Arts - Applied Drama & Theatre for the Young [M.A.] Meriah Sage 121 Judy Sturgis Hill 734.487.0535 [email protected]
Theatre Arts - Interpretation and Performance Studies [M.A.] Lee Stille Ph.D. 103D Judy Sturgis Hill 734.487.6846 [email protected]
Theatre Arts - Interpretation and Performance Studies [M.A.] Anita Rich Ph.D. 714G Pray-Harrold 734.487.0797 [email protected]
Theatre Arts [M.A.] Lee Stille Ph.D. 103D Judy Sturgis Hill 734.487.6846 [email protected]
Transportation and Planning and Modeling [Graduate Certificate] Michael R.J. Koscielniak, Ph.D. 140FF Strong Hall 734.487.4818 [email protected]

181–200 of 210 programs

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