Music Advising

General Information

There are a number of complex issues surrounding music advising. Once students have read and understand this material if questions persist please contact the School of Music & Dance advising coordinator, Brandon Johnson.

Find courses

  • Go to the catalog.
  • Find your degree program listing (use search field or scroll through the list of academic programs).
  • Scroll down the program listing to see required courses listed.
  • Click on a course link.
  • At the bottom of the pop-up window, find the links to offerings for that course.
  • Choose the term you want and click the link, e.g. "Click here for Winter 2018 Course Offerings".
  • Detailed course listings are given - note the five-digit CRN# for the section you want .
  • Go to your page and register for the course you chose using the CRN#.


Suggestions for successful completion of your degree program:

  • Start to think and observe "as a teacher." How do your instructors deliver instruction, engage students and assess learning? Ask yourself: what kind of teacher do I want to be?
  • Do grades matter? Yes! You must earn a "C" or higher in WRTG 121, CTAC 124, quantitative reasoning, lab science and pre-COE courses MUED 180, EDPS 322 and SPGN 251. Best advice: never get any grade less than a "C"!
  • Something or someone inspired you along the way to choose music education as a career. You must love both music and kids to survive in this discipline. Hours after the other teachers in your building have gone home, you'll still be there... rehearsals, fundraising, instrument repairs, concert programs, etc. Be certain of why you have chosen to be a music teacher because music impacts lives.



Upon admission to the School of Music and Dance, each student will meet with the graduate coordinator for advising and assistance in planning a curriculum.

  • Course rotation, sample program of study, etc. are provided on the forms page.

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