Concert Ensembles
Wind Symphony
Dr. Mary K. Schneider, conductor
The EMU Wind Symphony is one of the premiere ensembles at the School of Music & Dance. Guided by a philosophy that seeks to expose its students and audiences to the highest caliber of music written for wind instruments, the ensemble is comprised of 52 musicians selected for membership by audition each semester. With a commitment to cultivating new wind repertoire, the ensemble has participated in many recent commissions, and continues to host and collaborate with respected composers and conductors. The Wind Symphony presents 5-6 concerts every year at historic Pease Auditorium, and performs at high schools throughout the Midwest as part of its annual spring performance tour. In December 2018, the Wind Symphony performed as the featured ensemble for a panel presentation at the Midwest Band and Orchestra Clinic on the topic of diversity in repertoire and programming for wind band. In addition to past invitational performances at the Michigan Music Conference, the EMU Wind Symphony was selected to perform for the second time at the division conference of the College Band Directors National Association at DePaul University in February 2020, having previously performed at this conference in 2012.
Auditions for membership are competitive and held during the first week of classes in the fall semester, and for select instruments in the winter semester.
Rehearsals: Monday/Wednesday/Friday: 1:00–2:50 pm, Room 105, Alexander Music Building
Symphonic Band
Dr. J. Nick Smith, conductor
The Symphonic Band at Eastern Michigan University performs the best of traditional and contemporary literature for the collegiate concert band. Selected to provide a setting for participating students to improve their own musical understanding and appreciation, repertoire showcases the special strengths of participating students and, on occasion, invited soloists and composers. The Symphonic Band performs on campus several times during the school year.
Auditions for music majors are held during the first week of classes in the fall semester. Non-music majors are welcome and encouraged to register and participate in Symphonic Band without an audition. NOTE: Participation in Syphonic Band in Winter semeter does require an audition. Non-music majors should contact the conductor for more information on setting up an audition.
Rehearsals: FALL: Tuesday/Thursday 3:00-4:15 pm & Friday: 12:00-12:50 pm; WINTER: Monday/Wednesday: 3:30-4:45 pm & Friday 12:00-12:50 pm; Room 105, Alexander Music Building
Campus Band
Dr. J. Nick Smith, conductor
The Campus Band, established in 2011, is open to all students at the University. Formerly titled "Concert Band", this ensemble is designed for non-music majors wanting to further develop their individual and ensemble skills through presenting concert band literature in rehearsal and performance. Music major participation on secondary performance instruments is welcomed and encouraged.
No audition is required for participation.
Rehearsals (winter semester only): Mon. 7–9 p.m., Room 105, Alexander Music Building