Send an Email to a Class List
Mailing lists allow you to send to multiple recipients, such as a class list, using a single email address. A mailing list is available for every course section with an assigned instructor and at least three registered students.
- Use of mailing lists is limited to the assigned instructor and registered students for each section; any other sender will receive a rejection message.
- You must use your EMU email address (e.g., [email protected] or [email protected]) to send an email message to a mailing list.
- Emailing a class list is a two-step process. After you send an email message to a class list, the list server will deliver a confirmation message to your inbox. You MUST reply to the confirmation email before your email message will be delivered to the list members.
Follow these directions to send a message to a class list:
1. From your Inbox, click the Compose button. The New Message window is displayed.
2. Begin typing the section's Course Reference Number (CRN) or Course Title in the To: field.
Note: A section's email address (e.g., [email protected]) consists of the CRN (e.g., 11359), the Banner term code (e.g., 201610) and the email list domain (e.g., Course titles must be entered exactly as listed in the course schedule, including any abbreviations.
3. A list of matching email addresses will display below the To: field.
Note: Since CRN numbers are reused from year to year, it is possible for duplicate CRNs to appear in the list. If this occurs, select the email address that corresponds to the CRN and term code for the section.
4. Click the section's email address.
5. The selected email address is displayed in the To: field.
6. Type a short description of the message content in the Subject: field.
7. Type your message in the Body field.
8. When you are finished, click the Send button.
Warning: The list server will send a confirmation message to your inbox. You must reply to the confirmation email before your message will be delivered to the list members. This step is necessary to prevent spoofing (i.e., to make sure the message really came from you, the sender). Once you have replied to the confirmation email, you will receive an email message notifying you that your message was distributed to the list.