Social Security Numbers
Social Security Numbers are Personally Identifiable Information (PII) tied to a specific individual. They are unique, nine-digit numbers issued to U.S. citizens, permanent residents, and temporary (working) residents for taxation, social benefits, and other purposes. Social Security numbers are a primary target for identity thieves. EMU does not use Social Security Numbers to identify individuals except when required by law.
Social Security Numbers are nine digits in the digital format of 3/2/4 (### ## ####). Social Security Numbers are kept by the University for use on individuals' federal tax forms.
- Michigan Social Security Number Privacy Act [PDF]
- Michigan Identity Theft Protection Act, MCL 445.63
- EMU, Chief Financial Officer Privacy Statement
Additional Resources
- Protecting your Social Security Number
- Identity Theft and Your Social Security Number [PDF]
- Places you should never give your Social Security Number
Using Social Security Numbers
The permitted (Yes), the not permitted (No), and those needing to contact I.T. (Contact I.T.) are listed in three columns in the matrix below.
- Banner
- Virtru Email
- Virtru Secure Share
- Bomgar
- Canvas
- Google Drive
- Google Talk/Site/Tasks
- Google All Other Apps
- Personal Accounts
- Personal Devices
- Samanage
- Shared Drive
Contact IT
- Google Mail/Calendar
- U.achieve
Note: Don't see what you need? Email the I.T. Security Team at [email protected].