AnyConnect VPN


A virtual private network (VPN) provides authorized employees with secure remote Internet access to the campus network and systems either from a wireless connection on campus or from a location off campus. AnyConnect is the software used at EMU for VPN access.

Please note:  VPN access is valid for one year.  Access must be renewed annually.  VPN users typically receive a renewal reminder 30 days prior to expiration with a link to the renewal service request form.

To Request or renew VPN Access:

  1. Use this link to request or renew VPN Access.
  2. Login with your NetID and password, if prompted.
  3. Complete the form.
  4. In the "Business Purpose" dialog, enter a one-sentence justification that accurately reflects your basic business need for access.
  5. Click “Request Item”.

Using the VPN Client

  1. Download and install the VPN client for your operating system from the Downloads box to the right.  (You only need to do this once/First time).  
  2. Locate the installed AnyConnect VPN software among your computer's applications.
  3. Open the AnyConnect VPN software.
  4. The first time you use the software, you'll need to enter in the first dialog box and then click "Connect".
  5. The first time you use the software, you'll need to enter your EMU NetID (e.g. jdoe2) in the "UserName" dialog.
  6. Enter your password each time you login to the VPN.
  7. Click OK.  Then watch for the Duo Push on your phone.  (It will not notify you it is sending a Push, so be sure to have your phone nearby and watch for a Duo Push when logging into the VPN.). If you use a token for Duo, see instructions below.

Using the VPN Client with a Duo Token

  1. Open the AnyConnect VPN application.
  2. Type your NetID in the Username dialog.
  3. In the Password dialog, type your password, followed by a comma and then the code from your token or your bypass code.  e.g. mypassword,123456


  • VPN Access is limited to employees with a business need to use the system that have an active VPN access request on file. Access requests must be renewed annually.Student access is only permitted on an exception basis and must be approved in writing by an appropriate supervisor or faculty member.
  • While using the VPN, a computer is a member of the EMU internal network and subject to all the security policies of an on-campus computer. All I.T. security policies are available in the IT category of the EMU Policy Management System.
  • EMU reserves the right to scan a computer while connected to the VPN if a connection in any way represents a threat to the security or function of the University.
  • The Division of Information Technology reserves the right to restrict VPN access to certain websites and web services in case of network load issues.
  • An on-campus computer cannot be controlled with VPN from a remote location. It does not include remote control software like PC-Anywhere or GotoMyPC.

Contact the Help Desk for assistance when troubleshooting problems with these directions on university owned computers. Assistance with personally owned devices is limited to verifying settings. For more information, contact the Help Desk at 734.487.2120.

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