Frequently Asked Questions



  • Who can create a form? Expand dropdown
    Developers can create, modify, and delete forms within an Organization. See the Support page for more information.
  • What is an SSO URL vs an External URL? Expand dropdown
    An Single Sign-On/SSO URL (Copy SSO URL here) is the web address that needs to be prepended to a form URL (aka form web address) so that the submitter is directed to the EMU NetID login page. Use this method when you want to capture directory information to display in the form. For this to work, the submitter must have EMU NetID credentials.

    A form's External URL (aka web address) is used when the submitter does not need to log in. This URL is also used when a submitter does not have EMU NetID credentials, but you want to capture their directory information to display in the form. If the form requires login credentials, the submitter will be asked to fill out a profile and then be issued a NextGen credentials that they will use to log in to your form.

  • Why isn't the "Edit Form Template" option available in the menu? Expand dropdown
    The EMU implementation of NextGen Dynamic Forms does not enable live editing of forms. This means that the ability to edit a form is not available if there are any documents in any of the form's queues. To make a change to a form with document, a copy of the form will need to be created for this purpose and the original will need to be deactivated once all the documents have been processed. NOTE: The URL (aka web address) for the form will change, so any place the original form's URL is referenced, it will need to be updated with the new URL.
  • Are there any Best Practices that should be followed?

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    Good form design requires several factors including the length of the form, the time that it takes to complete, and the data that is being collected. Visit the Nielson Group Usability site for more information.

    • Keep it short - Omit fields that can be derived from existing data or aren’t completely necessary.

    • Single column layout - Multiple columns disrupt the momentum of moving down the form.

    • Group like information - Group like data together in sections and label them for easy identification.

    • Language - Form labels should be clear and match submitter's language, avoiding jargon and acronyms.
    • Instruction  - Don't make the submitter guess the format or requirements of the form or fields.
    • Progressive disclosure (show/hide) - Present form contents based on previously provided answers.
    • Relevant naming - Apply unique item names and alternate text relative to the purpose or function.
    • Hyperlinks - Underline hyperlinks and open any non-EMU links in a new window using the "Target" tab.
  • Are there any "Gotchas" that are important to note?

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    • Contact Information - Include contact information at the bottom of your form and in any notifications.
    • Tables - For the purposes of alignment and rule definition, build your form using tables.
    • Field label - Avoid using the field label, due to misalignment; instead create a text field for this purpose.
    • File attachments - One (1) file attachment per field and a maximum size of twenty-five (25) MB per file.
    • SSO URL vs External URL - A prefix URL must be added to your form URL to enable SSO.
    • Editing forms - Once a form is "live" it can't be edited; rather a copy must be created and edited.
    • Enterprise level Access - Your access level is the same across all Organizations.
    • Rules -  Individual rules can contain the operator AND or OR, but not AND and OR.



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