Banner to Use the NetID (Formerly Called My.Emich) Credentials
On the weekend of April 17, 2015 Banner systems will be updated to use the NetID (formerly called My.Emich) username and password. Since only the NetID credentials will be maintained, this change will make it more convenient for those who access Banner, Xtender, and EPrint.
Before logging in to Banner with your NetID username and password, you will need to change your NetID password if it contains special characters ( i.e. @ $ & " ( ) , < > ` ; = # ' ; and space).
Once your Banner credentials have been converted to your NetID credentials, you will no longer need to request a password reset via the Banner Access Request form. Instead, you will change your password via the NetID password change functionality.
Visit password change page for more information on how to change your NetID password.
Xtender Users
Before logging into Xtender with your NetID username and password, you will need to synchronize it with your Banner (NetID) password.
Visit Banner password sync page for more information on how to synchronize your Banner password.
More Information
Contact the IT Help Desk 734.487.2120 or via email [email protected].